What we can do for you
The Urban Economics team has enjoyed the application of market and economic advice to a broad range of property developments including shopping centres, commercial office buildings, business parks, traditional industrial estates, technology parks, logistic hubs, airport cities, child care centres, mining camp accommodation facilities, retirement villages and aged care facilities, self storage complexes, medical and specialist suites, educational facilities, sport and recreational facilities, theme parks, hotels, student accommodation complexes, taverns, clubs etc. Our team has considerable experience in the provision of a broad range of services to the retail, residential, commercial office, industrial, tourism and hospitality sectors.
The following outlines the breadth of our services provided to the property industry.
Economic Impact Assessments
Impact Assessable developments typically require the demonstration of need for and likely economic impacts of development proposals. Urban Economics has extensive experience in assessing the need for and likely economic impacts of a diverse array of projects including shopping centres, retail showroom developments, child care centres, retirement villages, residential estates, industrial subdivisions, commercial office buildings, medical centres, service stations, resorts, golf courses, hotels, student accommodation, etc.
Urban Economics is also experienced in assessing EIA’s and Need Assessments on behalf of local authorities, testing the appropriateness of the methodologies presented, the relevance of the arguments, the relationship of the project to the planning and economic strategies, the likely economic impacts of the project and need for the development.
Urban Economics has also conducted economic benefit and cost benefit analyses of a range of industry sectors, measuring the likely economic, social and value of the environmental impacts of sectors and developments such as outdoor media, carwash, visitor centre, events and festivals, botanic gardens etc.
Need Analyses
Impact Assessable developments typically require the demonstration of need for and likely economic impacts of development proposals. Urban Economics has extensive experience in assessing the need for and likely economic impacts of a diverse array of projects including shopping centres, retail showroom developments, child care centres, retirement villages, residential estates, industrial subdivisions, commercial office buildings, medical centres, service stations, resorts, golf courses, hotels, student accommodation, etc.
Urban Economics is also experienced in assessing EIA’s and Need Assessments on behalf of local authorities, testing the appropriateness of the methodologies presented, the relevance of the arguments, the relationship of the project to the planning and economic strategies, the likely economic impacts of the project and need for the development.
Urban Economics has also conducted economic benefit and cost benefit analyses of a range of industry sectors, measuring the likely economic, social and value of the environmental impacts of sectors and developments such as outdoor media, carwash, visitor centre, events and festivals, botanic gardens etc.
Market & Feasibility Studies
Urban Economics applies economic and market research tools to assess the market and financial feasibility of development projects. The team is dedicated to the provision of a rigorous assessment of the issues pertaining to demand for the proposed development, including an assessment of the existing supply scenario, projections of demand and provision of recommendations as to development prospects and implementation of proposals. Urban Economics is also experienced in examining and critiquing potential opportunities for strategic sites, applying inquiry processes to explore a range of feasible and innovative options.
Highest & Best Use Analyses
Urban Economics' indepth knowledge of a range of property sectors is a key tool we use in assessing the potential or Highest and Best Use of development sites. Combining skills in urban planning, feasibility analyses, and property development, we have undertaken Highest and Best Use studies for commercial land, expired industrial areas, MIBA's and more unique sites such as underutilised churches, community buildings and schools.
Demographic Advice
Knowledge as the say is power! Understanding the demographics of your target market, the local catchment area, or your community of interest is critical to maximising your development outcomes.
Demographic analyses or Market Review Reports examine population and growth rates, projection population and households, demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population, expenditure patterns and incorporate illustrative maps.
Market reviews or demographic analyses can be prepared to:
Market Research
Urban Economics enjoys the application of quantitative and qualitative market research tools to gather insights into consumer behaviour, motivations and purchase decision processes, as intelligence to inform and appraise clients’ property related decisions.
Kerrianne is a full member of the Australian Market and Social Research Society and an accredited Qualified Practising Market Researcher (QPMR).
Market research services have been employed to gather insights from consumer, business and stakeholder segments for a wide range of industry sectors and projects including retail, residential, child care, industrial, gaming machine, event attendees, centre development strategies, employee need studies etc.
Tools applied include qualitative designs:
as well as quantitative survey methods including:
These survey methods have enabled Urban Economics to establish comprehensive databases on shopper behaviours, child care needs and uses, retirement village location decisions and business location decisions.
Expert Evidence
Urban Economics’s professional team has extensive experience in providing independent, logical, considered and consistent advice to the QLD Planning and Environment Court as well as other jurisdictions such as the Retail Shop Lease Tribunal and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Areas covered by expert evidence include public need, economic impact, shop lease disputes, feasibility and economics of projects.
Areas examined by Urban Economics for the assistance of the Courts have been varied and multi-faceted, from child care centres to retirement villages accommodation for mine workers to eco resorts, shopping centres to pharmacy trading areas.
Spatial Analysis
Utilising geographic information systems (GIS) Urban Economics has the ability to provide geographical business analyses, across a range sectors including retail, residential and industrial property including:
Cost-Benefit Analysis
It is becoming increasingly important for major developments to demonstrate the anticipated costs and benefits of a project locally and regionally. Urban Economics is experienced in providing triple bottom line assessments of a project contribution and evaluating the costs and benefits of a project or development.
Urban Economics recently assisted a hotel operator demonstrate the local economic benefits of its development as a submission to a local authority in securing development incentives. Benefits examined include jobs generated, wages/salaries, direct expenditure, flow-on benefits etc.
Economic Strategies
Often engaged to provide strategic direction to land use planning, Urban Economics adopts an 'appreciative enquiry' approach to economic strategy wherby we:
Urban Economics has undertaken numerous strategic studies including:
Urban Economics employ a range of quantitative survey techniques such as:
These survey methods have enabled Urban Economics to establish comprehensive databases on shopper behaviours, child care needs and uses, retirement village location decisions and business location decisions.
Peer Reviews
Economic documents and reports can often be highly technical and time consuming to comprehend.Urban Economics has the ability to independently and efficiently critique economic data, assumptions and reports.